Charity Park Yoga

Practicing yoga is more than just showing up to class and doing the movements on the mat. For this reason, we created Charity Park Yoga! At Nami Yoga Studio, we give back, uplift and support the charities and communities that have touched our hearts. We volunteer our time to host Charity Park Yoga events by teaming up with various NPOs and organizations. 100% of the proceeds will be donated to the foundation we collaborate with! NYS’ Charity Park Yoga events are our way of supporting causes that we love, and create a sense of giving.

For Participants

Park Yoga - Namio Yoga Studio

What’s in it for you?

Learn about different NPOs

Participate in a charitable cause

Practice yoga on and off the mat!

*Check the upcoming events below or click the link

For NPOs

Yoga Studio

Would your NPO like to collaborate?

Promote your NPO to people that care

Build a community

Get donations for your foundation

Upcoming Events