Arm Balance Basics Workshop

Sunday, June 25, 2023
14:00 - 15:30

With Marina

For some of you, arm balances might look impossible to perform with acrobatic elements. Some are actually challenging, but we just need the understanding of technique, a bit of mobility and balance.

Goals: Our target poses in this workshop will be Bakasana (variations) and Bhujapidasana (variations).

Who: Anyone with 6 months or more of regular yoga practice are welcome to join, even if you’re new to arm balances!

What: I’ll share techniques which will help you see where you have to focus in your practice. We will look into your current limitations and reach the next level of run in your Asana practice! For the students who are already comfortable in these poses, we will learn how to do transitions between them. This part requires more strength and flexibility, but it’s also a lot of fun trying as well!